Online Library Copy Meeting Cheat Sheet
Copy Meeting Cheat Sheet
Did you know you can copy registration, session, and facility information from an existing meeting
to a new meeting, eliminating the need for re-entering the similar data? When you copy a
meeting, you have the option to copy sessions and registrations only, or to copy sessions,
registrations, and facilities to the new meeting.
Start by clicking Session Setup → Registration Setup
→ Facility Setup on the Navigation Pane.
To make the necessary modifications to the setup
information for each component:
Delete registrations or sessions that will not be part
of the new meeting.
Create any necessary new registrations or sessions.
Update the facility information for the new meeting.
Update the start and end dates and times of the copied sessions.
Update User Defined Fields, as necessary.
Update the Price Records for each copied registration and session.*
*Note: Multiple price records that share the same price level must have distinct and consecutive
date ranges. Therefore, you must review the start and end dates of price records and update
them as necessary for the new meeting, with a particular emphasis on preventing overlapping or
duplicate date ranges.
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