Online Library eBook - How to Configure Auditing in UX 8 | Page 3

Auditing in UX Online One of the data management tools that comes out-of-the-box in Microsoft Dynamics 365 is Auditing. Auditing allows you to track changes made to records in your system. For example, when someone updates the name of an account you will be able to who made the change, when it occurred, and etc. Why would your organization audit data? Some of the most common reasons an organization may want to audit their data is for regulatory compliance, track individual user access, analyze changes to streamline business processes, view summary changes, analyze the history for a particular record, and more. Some things to consider Enabling auditing uses up space on your database. You may want to start or stop auditing for system maintenance or when space is limited. When you disable auditing at the organizational level (system-wide), you will stop the tracking of changes for all entities and fields for the time it is disabled. When you start it up again, the same entities you enabled before will be re-enabling for auditing.